Designing Meaningful Experience

Re-invent the product and service experience for the connected age.

We are Tokyo based experience design and design strategy consulting firm.
We help our clietns to ignite their possibility.


Strategic Design Consulting

Ethnographic research, design investigations, insight analysis, business optimaization and innovation, products strategy: We design new experience and new business strategy.

Experience Design Development

From defined products to undefined products, we create unique product concept, service experience, UX/UI and interaction experience of the products and services.


Design Systems

Design Systems are the key to the success of today's digital services. Our member have more than 10 years of experience in developing Design Systems on a global scale or across companies scale. We can help you with everything from defining Design Principles to supporting DesignOps design.

You can start by reading our translated red book, "Design Systems" or contact us about Design Systems practitioners community,🗼.


Design Sprint

Design Sprint is an intensive five-phase framework developed by Google for answering critical business questions through ideatation, rapid prototyping and testing idea with users. Our Google certified Sprint Master help you to design meaningful products & services.

Learn more with our O’Reilly's "Design Sprint" Japanese book.


About Us

Experience Design and Design Strategy

Secret Lab Inc. is a boutique independent design strategy consultingfirm specializing in strategic business initiatives, digital transformation (DX) for major corporations, and support for foreign companies' activities in Japan. We provide business design strategy planning, design consulting, and product development support.

While we receive many inquiries to serve as supplementary IA (Information Architect) or UX staff resoucing for existing teams due to our longtime extensive experience in IA, UX, and design modifications, we are neither a Design Production Company focused on design development nor a Design Agency that handles projects by coordinating with external designers and development companies. We maintain direct contractual relationships with the end clients for all projects to ensure full accountability.

We have solved various business challenges through design, including UX design for an internationally award-winning fitness app, complex large-scale corporate integrations and global strategy planning with worldwide implementation, design strategy for a globally prominent mobile platform, support for redesigning the EC experience of the best-selling home gaming console in history, and digital transformation execution for major modern city development.

Since our establishment as The Secret Lab in Musashi-Kosugi, Kawasak City in spring of 2011, we have been supporting the redefinition of product and service experiences through direct contracts with major domestic and international corporations.

Featured Clients

Long term relationships with leading innovative global brands.